Monday, April 26, 2010

Organizing volunteer efforts

Hello ... I'm in charge of coordinating our volunteer efforts -- that is, anything we do for the benefit of the entire garden, and not for our own individual plots.

It has been suggested that each of us should aim for a total of 4 to 5 hours of volunteer service over the course of the season. What I'm thinking is that there should be a couple of different ways you can participate. If you can come to a clean-up such as the one we had recently, great! If it suits you better to put in an hour here and there doing some of the more everyday maintenance, also great! That way, most or all of us should be able to meet the goal or come close to it, and contribute in a very real way.

I wonder if we could brainstorm some volunteer tasks? Off the top of my head, here are some of the everyday tasks:

1) Weeding in common/unclaimed areas, such as Tim's old strawberry patch and other plantings just before the front gate, the raised box with the tree in it (adjacent to Laura L.'s plot), and what other areas? Do I recall that Art and Julie will work in Tim's old perimeter plantings?

2) Trash pickup: Whether from the adjacent park or wherever, we get a fair amount of drifting litter. "Trash" could also include getting the big trash cans from the north side of the building, and putting them where they need to go (back to that same spot?) when full.

3) Retrieving any scattered tools, and straightening up the sheds.

4) Sweeping or other general cleanup in the brick areas.

5) Any others?

Bigger projects might include leading a workshop for all of us on a topic such as composting, vermiculture, organic gardening, etc. Perhaps also kids' workshops, so this doesn't all fall to Ilse to organize? Other ideas for "big bite" projects? And how often should we do a big clean-up like the last one?

A lot of the smaller things are stuff many of us do anyway. The difference is that you'd report it (in what, maybe half-hour increments?) -- not so we could be super strict about it, but just so we'd have some record. I'm not sure the exact mechanism, but I think you'd report your efforts to me -- and I would also be the one to put out the call when a larger group project is needed.

I think we should start the tracking once we have all of this settled. Would there be back credit for those who were at the clean-up, or should we start fresh, figuring 4-5 hours in the course of a few months isn't all that much?

Your thoughts on any of this, please?


1 comment:

  1. Thoughts re: volunteering

    I *think* Art and Julie are now primarily in NY (correct me if I'm wrong!), so we may need to take care of the areas they were seeing to.

    Can we just plan another clean up day when it becomes evident we need it?

    Do we need to keep track of each gardener's time? Can we handle volunteering on an "honor system"? I don't know, what are others' opinions?

    Should we figure out the "freebie" pile, (which might be a volunteer task) -- straighten it up a bit, somehow remove things that no one is interested in, etc. Should we wait until the main planting is done for this?

    Also, I may be able to take care of the weeding of the box to the south of my plot -- although sometimes it's all I can do to get 1/2 of what I need to done!
