Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kids' Play Area -- Please respond!

For those of you who weren't at the last Sunday garden get-together, like me, the area folks picked for the kids' play area is the northernmost patch (but south of the sidewalk) on the west side of the garden -- the one just north of the large utility box, with a tree in the center of it. It's not in the hidden stretch where the composting bins are, which is great for those of us with kids little enough to need a constant watchful eye.

My guess is that the area is about 8x8. Joanna and her husband Matt have graciously offered to build a frame around the area, and Joanna estimated that the cost would be about $40 (to be shared by those of us whose kids use it). Other ideas that have been discussed are (1) to get separate containers for pebbles, sand, water, and/or dirt, (2) have gardeners with kids coordinate times to garden so their kids can play together, and (3) to have certain times when kids are not allowed in the garden, so that adults can enjoy a little bit more serene environment on occasion. I also wonder whether it's safe to have kids playing next to that utility box -- can someone tell me what's in it, whether there is a risk, and if so how to avoid it?

I invite all who have specific ideas, comments, or concerns to please either comment here on the blog or, if you want to make comments privately, send me an email at Please only email your ideas to me, not to the list. My hope with the email option is that people will feel more free to share candid thoughts/concerns. I will review all the comments, put together a list of priorities, and Joanna and I will move forward on getting the play area set up as soon as possible! I also will keep all ideas anonymous when sharing them with other gardeners, so please feel free to be honest!


  1. Hey all, just wanted to clear something up about my earlier post. The kids-free time idea was something mentioned at our first meeting, and I wanted to respect all the ideas that have been contributed so far. I hope we can all agree that we will not support any anti-kid sentiments, and realize that people have been put off by those sentiments in previous garden experiences. Kids and families should be welcome! However, in case anyone is interested in adult time, I think we can also respect that there is something valid about enjoying adults-only time and that it isn't necessarily anti-kid. It all depends on the group consensus and what people want. We should be able to make everyone happy without sacrificing the idea that this is a community garden and that kids are an important part of our community!

  2. We like the idea of a rock box. What about a section of planting along an edge that kids could care for and enjoy/pick? (e.g., mint, some flowers. We have some extra nasturtium and cosmos seeds.) Also, tools - plastic spades, rakes, watering cans, buckets - and a box for storage (maybe one with a hinge and handle that could be fun to operate).
