Saturday, May 29, 2010

Exposed Cable in Children's Plot

We've discovered a partially exposed cable at the south end of the children's plot. This is a cause for concern, since we don't want any kids puncturing it, etc.! Because it's in between the strawberry plants, it's a little out of the prime digging space, but please alert your children to avoid it!

What's the best way to proceed? Perhaps Com-Ed, if they are responsible for the cable, could put a protective conduit over it and bury it deeper. I would be happy to talk with Jennifer at the HPNC about the issue.


  1. Wow, thanks for the warning! I've been wondering, actually, if this is the best spot for the children's area after all. Tree roots can be easily stressed by a lot of digging over/among them, and by too much water -- and then the tree will eventually suffer. The kids, of course, love to dig and make mud puddles in that area. I know it would be a hassle to move things somewhere else, but I wonder if it would be worth considering, because of the cable (though this could be a risk in the new spot, too) and for the health of the tree?

  2. There's also a rubber conduit coming out of the ground to the East of the tree, could be from irrigation (?) or something (I'm not aware of the water system being over there, but I don't have much information about it). I just noticed it -- didn't really check it out.

  3. Yes, that occurred to me, too -- it could just be part of the old irrigation system. I wonder how we found out what this thing is?

  4. I know the rubber conduit, old irrigation system, does run throughout all of the beds south of that area. We'll check it out next time we go to the garden.

  5. We pulled up a lot of cable and rubber conduit, all very old, in our plot across the last few years. I'm hoping that's what was found, as it is harmless. I'll be on the look-out, though---THANKS!

  6. I'm glad to hear about the old irrigation system - that seems like a plausible explanation for the mysterious cable. The cable is exposed now in the children's plot if those of you with experience want to take a look and give it your final opinion! Thanks!
