Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Peter Rabbit

My little pea sprouts have also been munched. My friend Lianne tells me that one can buy dried blood at garden stores, and that sprinkling this around your plants repels rabbits. An old trick of her father's. It may be worth trying? Has anyone heard of this method?


  1. - Except if you are a vegetarian. :)

    I read about the fence:
    "Chicken-wire fencing. You can encircle your garden with a fence made of chicken-wire, at least two feet high. This option is fairly inexpensive, permanent (at least for the growing season) and safe. To be really effective, though, you'll need to bury the wire several inches in the ground. You don't want those rascally rabbits burrowing underneath!"

  2. Other options for deterring rabbits:
    - blood meal sprinkled around plants (re-sprinkle after rain or watering)
    -used kitty litter (minus poop), renew weekly
    -red pepper/jalapeno spray you can make yourself
    -commercial products (http://www.plantskydd.com/)
    - a cat:-)
